Saturday, March 27, 2010

vampires suck

a quick disclaimer (for all my vampire loving friends): i am not a vampire fan.  this does not mean i am not a fan of people who happen to be vampire fans.

okay, i don’t get it. what, exactly, is the appeal of vampires and such? i find myself surrounded by twilight obsessed super-fans on a regular basis (being as i live in provo, utah the apparent epicenter of the hysteria) and i really, really don’t understand what all the hype is about. i seem to be the only female in the english speaking world (and parts of the spanish, french and japanese speaking portions as well) who has neither read the books, nor seen the movies. before you jump on the “don’t knock it ‘til you try it” soapbox, let me just say that i gave this series what i consider a fair chance. i am willing to read the first chapter of almost any book. if that first chapter does not compel me to read the second i will close the book and walk away. i gave twilight the same consideration. sort-of. i tried to read the first chapter but after about 4 pages i said to myself “self, this book is not for you. get out now before you lose another moment of your life.” and that is exactly what i did. sorry, i just don’t find the teen angst meets ancient mythical being storyline appealing. to make matters worse, the insanity is spreading. the other day i had some friends over for dinner and was ambushed. i was inextricably sucked into a conversation wherein the 3 man-boys i had eaten with began to discuss vampire movies beginning with the twilight saga. seriously? i expect this from tweeners at work, and even from the young adult women with whom i regularly associate, but not so much from guys. i need new friends.


Ashley said...

I have read ALL the books and seen BOTH the movies--a fair chance if I ever gave one--and I do not like the series. I'm sorry, fans, but it's just not for me! It's not only the vampire subject, but the writing, to put it nicely, isn't the best. And all the teenage angst/frustration. I just don't get the hype. Now I'm afraid I've offended someone. Please still be my friends!

Deon said...

Yeah, I pretty much hate them too, although I do admit (like Ashley) that I have read all of them. What's up with that? And (like Ashley) my big hang up is with the extremely pedestrian writing filled with cliches and very predictable dialogue. All I can say is that Stephenie Meyer is laughing all the way to the bank, and I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ellen said...

I too have read all the books and have seen the movies. I find them to be "okay". Did I die waiting for them to come out, nope. Was I first in line at the box office, nope. They are exactly what they were written to be-a teen age, LDS answer to Harry Potter. I could get into a real debate about the 4th book and some of that plot but I am not going to waste my breath! So see Linz, you aren't alone!