Saturday, October 2, 2010

happy birthday to me

i am 27 years old today. 27 and single. very single. sometimes, it's easy to get a little depressed about that (especially when i receive wedding announcements from children i babysat). the thing is, being single really isn't that bad. in fact, there are things about being single that are pretty wonderful. so, my friends, in honor of this momentous occasion i have compiled a list (i like lists, remember?) of all the reasons being single kinda rocks.
  1. i don't share my bed with anyone. which means i can sleep in any position i want, right in the middle, and there is no one to complain about me being a "bed hog"
  2. i get the whole closet to myself too. another pair of shoes? yeah, i can make room for those.
  3. speaking of shoes, i get to buy as many pairs as i like (which is a lot) since i'm spending my money and taking up my space.
  4. as for my space, it's just that. mine. i decorate, redecorate and rearrange however and as often as i please.
  5. i have plenty of opportunity to cultivate and develop my talents and interests.
  6. or just sit around and do nothing.
  7. i facebook stalk without wondering how someone else is going to feel about it. (don't judge me, you do it too)
  8. i sometimes eat dinner at 10:30, and i'm okay with that
  9. nobody feels neglected when i do things just for me
  10. no husband means no children and no children means i never smell like baby puke or look like i've been standing under a tree which is heavily populated by birds with tummy trouble.
while i'm on the subject, let me just say on behalf of all singles, that we HATE it when you ask us why we're not married or why we aren't dating someone. seriously?! there are really only 2 scenarios here, either we're single by choice or we're single due to circumstances out of our control. either way, we probably don't want to talk about it and you question is offensive. okay, getting off my soapbox now.


    Chess said...

    Happy birthday, my dear! I think being single is kinda nice too! :-)

    Unknown said...

    Happy birthday!
    Enjoy being single! Being married and having children is the best thing I could have ever done, but I wish that I would have enjoyed and appreciated being single while I was!

    Ashley said...

    I think one of the times in my life that I remember with GREAT fondness, and which I sometimes miss immensely, was my time as single college student. Lonely? Only sometimes. Mostly blissful, fun, peaceful, and free! It was a time I really found myself. Live it up!