Monday, April 11, 2011

virtual reality

i know i've expressed before how much i love TED. i don't care. i'm gonna say it again. i LOVE TED!!! i came across this little gem the other day and i couldn't help but think "why wasn't i involved with this? it's AMAZING!!!" yep. my thoughts come complete with all caps and exclamation points. don't be jealous. anyway, this is by far the coolest thing i could possibly share with you today. enjoy!

for those of you who would rather watch it elsewhere (though i don't know why you would ever want to leave my little corner of the world) here is the link


Johnny said...

I heard about this too late as well. IT is pretty cool. You also need to check out Mindy Gledhill. She is pretty darn good. Her latest album that keeps running through my head is called Anchor. All of it is good.

Deon said...

Oh my goodness, Lindsay. Do you know what fans Christian and I are of Eric Whitacre? Seriously. Christian finished a school paper involving Eric Whitacre's piece "Sleep" just a couple of weeks ago. WE ARE SUPER FANS, I suppose you could say. Thank you so much for sharing this! May I borrow your find and post it on my blog? This absolutely made my day.

Without a doubt, you've seen this:

So, so mesmerizing.