Friday, June 1, 2012

i get by with a little help from my friends

that's you! so, friends, i need a little help. i am working on a program for work which will (hopefully) encourage my teens to read more often and to get more out of the experience. what i need from you is suggestions. i am compiling a list of books which have been adapted to movies. which are your favorites? anything goes here, so don't be shy.

p.s. i have a favorite too. it's the princess bride

p.p.s. if you REALLY love me you will find and purchase this fantastic hardbound version of the book for me.


Kindall Family said...

My favorite movie is Stardust (similar vein to Princess Bride) and the book is pretty good, too. It's by Neil Gaiman.
I am a sucker for the Jane Austen books/movies.

If the kids REALLY want a challenge, tell them to try The Count of Monte Cristo. One of my very favorite books!

Deon said...

I have to agree with Kindall Family about the Jane Austen books. Simply my fave! Also, I do so, so, so love The Count of Monte Cristo; the book exceeds the movie by about a bajillion times over!

While the Jane Austen books will probably appeal to the girls, the boys might say, meh. For them, I would recommend maybe some Dashiell Hammett (The Maltese Falcon, the Thin Man). His books are truly "guy" books--a little gritty, a little course, but certainly appropriate for teens. The movies are superb.

Ellen said...

There are the current obvious ones that they will know-Harry Potter, Twilight and Hunger Games. There are also a few oldies but goodies-Pretty Woman is an adaptation of Pygmalion as is My Fair Lady. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the Great Gatsby is an interesting book that has been done a couple of times and is now being done again. Les Mis is being done again also. My list goes on and on. That is what being old does!