Friday, November 16, 2012

helping hands

i was going to write a big post about this, but i'm a big crying mess right now and i am struggling to formulate coherent thoughts so instead, i'll just let this video speak for itself. please take a few minutes to watch and stay right to the very end, i promise you won't regret it. and if you want to cry with me, i won't judge you. it's beautiful.

it is things like this that remind me of how wonderful the human race is. i want to extend a big, fat, enthusiastic thank you to all of the volunteers who have banded together to help those who have been affected by this disaster and the many others across the world, and an especially huge thank you to those who have helped my friends when, as much as i wanted to be, i was unable to be there myself.

if you would like more information about mormon helping hands and other humanitarian aid efforts organized by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, click here

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