Thursday, April 8, 2010

gummy love

Pronunciation: \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\
Function: noun
Date: 1599

1 : the quality or state of being addicted
2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful

hi, my name is lindsay and i'm have a gummy bear addiction.  you laugh like i'm joking. i'm not. i have a problem. i'm not really asking for help, i just thought you should be aware in case you ever want to give me a gift and don't know what to get. gummy bears are an excellent gift idea. for the record, winco foods carries the absolute best gummy bears i've ever had. i stopped there last tuesday and i bought 6 pounds of gummy bears. 6 POUNDS!!!! i thought that would keep me content for about a month. wrong! it has been 1 week, 2 days and i am about to polish of the last handful of my 6 pound purchase. see, i told you i have a problem. in my defense, i have shared with my roommates, friends, and co-workers, but the primary consumer has been me. me. i ate them. all of them. i can't help it. they're just sooooo good. cover them in chocolate and they're even better, but that's another issue entirely. there's something about their squishy little brightly colored bear bodies that gets me every time. not to mention their cute little faces. i like to tear the heads off these little guys before consumption. does that make me totally morbid? oh well, i don't care if it does. don't even think about staging a gummy bear intervention or you'll get the same treatment.


Ashley said...

I love gummy bears too! I think I need to buy a secret stash. Where is Winco Foods? If only they made bags of just the red and clear ones. They are my favorite! The chocolate idea sounds intriguing. More than intriguing, actually. It sounds downright dangerous!

Deon said...

Your pic is so hilarious--poor little headless squishy bodies! So, yeah. What color is your fave? Glad to hear that you embrace sugar as much as I do. Although I will admit that I often love sugar mixed with salty stuff. Mmmmm, good.

Lindsay said...

dee: if i had to pick a favorite i would say the clear ones, but i really don't discriminate i'll decapitate any of them. if you're in the mood for a salty sweet combo, throw some gummies into your popcorn. this is especially tasty when the popcorn is fresh and warm and it makes the gummies extra soft and squishy :)

ash: the good news is winco foods carries chocolate covered gummy bears and will be opening on 8th north in orem sometime this month (i think). until then you have to go to salt lake and that is exactly why i thought i would stock up. unfortunately i grossly underestimated my ability to inhale the little buggers...

Deon said...

Ding! Ding! Ding! You said the magic word: POPCORN! I love, adore, inhale popcorn, and I love it salty and sweet. What a brilliant idea to mix the beloved gummies in with my POPCORN!

Ashley said...

Now you've done it, Lindsay. I bought some gummy bears in bulk today at the grocery store. Apparently just a few scoops was not enough, because they are running out fast, and I want more, more, more! I haven't had gummy bears for months, and now you have addicted me.

Maren Ericson said...

You did the right thing!! Gummy bears can get stale. You wouldn't want to have to eat stale you made a great decision finishing off the 6 lbs in just over a week. I am so proud to be reading this blog! haha

Lindsay said...

ashley: i love you, but i will not take the blame for you addiction. i rather support it...
maren: thank you for your support, i'm glad i'm not the only one who was worried about my gummy bears getting gross :)