Wednesday, July 3, 2013

i told him he was

i'm WAAAYYYY behind here, and i promise i'm going to catch up, just not today. soon, my pretties. soon. the thing is, it's wednesday so that means dear boys. i know you've missed my posts. i was m.i.a. for a bit because i was super frustrated with boys in genereal and one in particular, but i then i received this little nugget of information

turns out, i've been doing it wrong all these years. obviously, rudy has it all figured out. so here goes nothin'

dear bram,
this is me telling you that you are my boyfriend. there. it's official.

do you think it worked???????

1 comment:

Maren Ericson said...

haha. I just love you!! Come August, when I am done with this horrific Bar Exam experience, we need to hang!