Thursday, December 16, 2010

joy to the world

guess what i found and have been enjoying for about 2 weeks. no, seriously guess. 
nothin'? fine i'll tell you. 
i found

wait for it

i know, right?! totally brill and completely delish. i could not ask for more. well, i could, but i won't. maybe one little thing, but that's all. who am i kidding? i've got a long list of things i could ask for and a somewhat shorter list of things i did ask for, but these little guys are pretty satisfying just the same.

ooh, look, it's like a little gummy wreath : )

a little more than you needed to see? sure, but my mouth looks so festive!

1 comment:

Deon said...

Do you know that I think about you every time I bust out our gummy bears? Your little gummy bear wreath also looks like the bears are practicing their synchronized swimming routine :D