Saturday, September 22, 2012

"a lot of people go to school for 7 years..."

"...yeah, they're called doctors"
oh tommy boy...
hey, did i tell you that i've gone back to school? i've gone back to school. wanna see some things that i have learned?
school =  kind of hard.
school + work= definitely hard.
school + work + sleep = super hard. like, rocket science hard.
speaking of rocket science, i know a couple of rocket scientists. i'm cool like that.
the point is, i have given away all of my free time, and i have paid lots of money to do it. what was i thinking?!
i may have made a huge mistake...
well, i'd love to stay and chat, but i have homework to do. boo! homework = no fun. just in case you didn't know.

1 comment:

Deon said...

I have no doubt this is all super difficult, but you'll not regret it. You can do it, Lindsay! GO, LINDSAY! GO, LINDSAY! GO, LINDSAY! You are my hero :D