Saturday, September 7, 2013

30 by 30 update

so, my thirtieth birthday is coming up. like fast. weird. anyway, i figured i ought to share an update on my 30 by 30 list. sadly, i have been unable to fully complete the list, but i made some good progress and, in my defense, i was injured for the last 7 months and unable to do some of them. i know that sounds like a lame excuse, and maybe it is, but i'm kind of okay with that. on that note, if you happen to be equipped to help with any of these in the next 3 weeks that would be awesome.
for your viewing pleasure i have highlighted changes in red.
  1. ride in a hot air balloon
  2. complete a triathlon (not yet, but i did a biathlon with my sister. i think that should count.)
  3. run the race to robie creek (check)
  4. live alone (check)
  5. write a book
  6. learn to surf
  7. snowboard
  8. have an epic food fight (check and check)
  9. attend the world championship porcupine races (check)
  10. go scuba diving
  11. kayak
  12. learn to drive stick (check. sort of. i still suck at it, but at least i know how, right?)
  13. water ski
  14. sing on stage (check)
  15. eat on a rooftop
  16. sell a piece of art
  17. go rock climbing
  18. travel to a foreign country
  19. read the book of mormon from start to finish (check)
  20. cartwheel across a city street
  21. watch a sunset and stay up for the sunrise
  22. complete the rory gilmore reading list
  23. be a better person (a work in progress) 
  24. be on jeopardy
  25. go snorkeling (check)
  26. visit new york (check)
  27. be awesome (check)
  28. fall in love (check)
  29. learn to play an instrument
  30. attend the festival of colors (check)

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